Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Meeting Notes: Frindle

Well, I hope you liked Frindle as much as I did.  I love the idea of making up your own words, so for the ice breaker activity, that's what we did.  I gave everyone a list of ten definitions and let everyone there make up their own words then try to guess what the original word was.  It was a bit harder than you might think, but still a lot of fun. 

Frindle offered an abundance of topics to talk about.  We started with favorite characters.  Mine was Nick because of how he developed through the book.  He started out being a bit of a trouble maker, but learned he needed to be responsible for his ideas.  He realized his ideas had power.  Amber liked Mrs. Granger and how she made herself the villain of the story so Nick's idea could grow.

We also discussed what we would do if we suddenly discovered we had a bunch of money like Nick did when he turned 21.  Rebekah said she would share her money.

There was a visitor at our meeting today.  Lisa Larson from the Spectrum was there.  She's writing an article on some of the programs we have at the library and is including the Mother-Daughter book club in it.  It won't be in the paper until about the 22, so watch for it!

To end the meeting we picked our book for next month.  The two choices were:

The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling.  John Midas loves chocolate.  He loves it so much that he'll eat it any hour of any day.  He doesn't care if he ruins he appetite.  He thinks chocolate is better than any other food!  But one day, after wandering into a candy store and buying a piece of their best chocolate, John finds out that there might just be such a thing as too much chocolate...   from the back of the book

Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost by Cornelia Funke.  Watch out for ghost goo. Tom's stuck at home with his horrible sister, Lola. But there's something stickier hiding out in his cellar - a slime-dripping ghost called Hugo. But harmless Hugo is in the goo too, because he's being haunted - by a much bigger, badder, Incredibly Revolting Ghost. Lucky for Tom that his Granny's best friend just happens to be a world-famous ghosthunter.    

And the winner is.....The Chocolate Touch  by Patrick Skene Catling.  I am very excited to read this book as a group.  It's a great one!  The next meeting will be October 14, 2011 at 3:00 pm.  See you there!


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