Monday, August 29, 2011

Get Talking: Frindle

Here are the discussion questions for Frindle.

Before reading this book, had you ever thought about how words are created? What did you find interesting about the process of creating a word?

Is it believable that "frindle" took off and became so well known? Why or why not?

"Every good story," Mrs. Granger writes to Nick, "needs a bad guy, don't you think?" Do you agree? Does every good story have a villain? Can you think of any that don't?

"School," the author writes in Frindle, "was the perfect place to launch a new word." Why? What makes schools such good breeding grounds for fads? Do companies or community organizations ever use your school for promoting products or services? How?

The frindle is just one of Nick's great ideas. Brainstorm about ways you could improve your own school. How can you turn your ideas into action?

Although Nick didn't know it until he turned 21, his new word earned him a huge amount of money. Do you think his parents were right in setting up a trust fund for him? What do you think he might have done with the money if he could have spent it earlier? What would you do if you suddenly had a lot of money of your own?

Do you think it's true that if you're good you'll make lots of money or that if you make lots of money, you can consider yourself good?

Years after he leaves Mrs. Granger's class, Nick finds a perfect way to show her how important she was to him. What's your teacher's idea of a perfect gift from a former student? Has he or she received it yet?

The meeting is on September 9, 2011.  I hope to see you there!


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